
Introducing the consulting practice from the delivery method for this product is via Skype Webcam. Enabling leaders to solve complex issues is vital for sustaining development and transformation of education.  

The main consulting theme is ‘Online music delivery (guitar focus) this is a product in response to the Covid 19 situation. In addition to the delivery via Skype, the consulting session also provides a slide pack and interactive advice on enabling online music delivery.

The session times are available based on Australian, New Zealand or Asia time zones. A pre connection session will run to ensure the main consulting seminar runs as expected.

All sessions are pre-paid once the session is booked details will be provided via email to book the consulting service.   It is anticipated that some consulting services will require ongoing engagement and can be tailored to meet needs.

Enquire today via the contact form to book an initial consulting experience.  
$120 per hour and can be paid via PayPal or Credit Card.